Avocado Reveal

Comprehensive threat modeling: automated

Unparalleled visibility, threat modeling, and vulnerability management across any application or platform.
Threat modeling for modern applications is virtually impossible
Workloads have now become especially tricky – with both legacy and modern, custom and packaged apps scaled-out across multiple servers, clouds and containers. It’s becoming virtually impossible to truly understand and manage what’s happening and where. Rajkumar Jalan – Fmr. CTO, A10 Networks
Reveal all app vulnerabilities
Understanding and predicting application behavior is difficult at best, and often impossible. Relying on pen-testing and xAST alone can’t paint a full picture.
Complexities with highly diverse and variable applications Constantly changing CI/CD environments Time-consuming and inaccurate manual threat modeling Hundreds or thousands of apps and servers in use
Automated app modeling in minutes, not months Accelerate threat modeling, app change management, and dependency mapping
Complete and accurate application models Find gaps that manual modeling misses

Close gaps that malware leverages for undetected lateral movement
Model legacy and modern apps alike Seamlessly works with web, app, and DB-tier workloads in any language

Legacy applications discovered and modeled in runtime, no lengthy audits necessary
Gap-free application modeling: automated. Within minutes, Avocado Reveal delivers unparalleled deep visibility within and between applications for comprehensive threat modeling.
1 1: Discover
Discovers and maps all application dependencies, legacy or modern

Gathers detailed information on how apps interact in run-time, regardless to platform or architecture
2 2: Build
Evaluates all app communications in real time

Collets deep forensics data on every payload of data exchanged

Creates JSON files that are easily ingested by other DevSecOps solutions
3 3: Model
Identifies all threats and risks with highly granular, detailed forensics

Creates comprehensive threat profiling for all applications and APIs
4 4: Mitigate
Provides continuous asset discovery, vulnerability detection and threat profiling for all apps, enabling rapid policy building and vulnerability patching
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